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5 votes

Newsletter Signup Page/Block

There are two ways to do this in Drupal. CiviCRM Profiles Go to Administer » System Settings » Misc, and set Accept profile submissions from external sites to Yes. Create a profile in CiviCRM with ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

Is it possible to export a newsletter to PDF

If you using CiviMail for sending newsletter than you can view the html snippet that was sent as a email body. To view the html you can go navigate to Mailings >> Scheduled and Send Mailing. Find the ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
4 votes

Syncing CIVI CRM and Mailchimp

There are several CiviCRM-MailChimp integrations. The two still in common use are Mailchimpsync and Mailchimp CiviCRM integration. That said, it's been a long time since I've had a client use these ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How to create an standalone GDPR form?

Can be achieved by GDPR webform
Tapash's user avatar
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3 votes

Multiple group profile sign up

If you set your Groups to be 'mailing list' AND you set them to be 'public pages' then you should be able to a/ add the Group(s) field to any profile which you can temporarily see at https://dmaster....
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
3 votes

Newsletter Signup Page/Block

I'd highly recommend a page as opposed to a block. If you use a block, you can't put a captcha on it. And I can tell you from experience that it will be hit by Russian bots like CRAZY! Create your ...
Jenni Simonis's user avatar
3 votes

How to create a newsletter sign up block in Drupal

If you are using Drupal 7 I would use Drupal Webform - together with the Webform CiviCRM integration module, since the Webform module let's you set the form to show within a block. These are pure ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

Including pictures in our Newsletter

Hi Felix and welcome to CiviCRM Stack Exchange. Your problem could have a number of reasons, e.g. the following: your server does not allow access via http for anonymous users (could be protected ...
Fabian's user avatar
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2 votes

Error messages in newsletters

It sounds like the images may not have been deleted properly. To test this - create a new email, add a single line of text, then press the Source button on the formatting toolbar. Note how it shows ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

Newsletter sign up form on WordPress with GDPR plugin

I just submitted a PR to the GDPR extension which provides a new shortcode to display the GDPR preferences on a page, see That's ...
Justin Freeman - Agileware's user avatar
1 vote

Subscribe contacts to newsletter in bulk

You can achieve this with Search Builder by making use of the ‘In’ operator and comma separating the IDs. From the CiviCRM menu - Search > Search Builder or /civicrm/contact/search/builder?reset=1 ...
Anil's user avatar
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1 vote

Scheduling repeat newsletters

This took a while to come up with a solution for and work out the logic on, so I wanted to share in case it helps anyone. As Lars suggested above the answer was with CiviRules, but it required some ...
zip's user avatar
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1 vote

Multiple group profile sign up

You can create a profile that would be used for the user to create or update their preferences with custom fields as you suggest (checkboxes or a multi-select drop-down). You would then either have to ...
kapn's user avatar
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1 vote

form to unsubscribe from a newsletter but from all

You should be able to do this by directing folk to eg and if you have your Mailing List groups set up correctly (ie as public) then they should be able to ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

Newsletter sign up form on wordpress

The other way is to make the Groups 'public' and then provide navigation to a link to civicrm/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/subscribe&reset=1
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

Newsletter sign up form on wordpress

Essentially you want to display a form on your wordpress that takes in the personal details (name, email address) of your subscriber. these details will be fed into the civicrm on your wordpress and ...
Clement Leong's user avatar
1 vote

Public listing of newsletters in Joomla?

a bit late on this one. It's not an ideal solution, but a quick fix could be AcyMailing which has a CiviCRM plugin and front-end newsletter listings.
Nic's user avatar
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