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5 votes

How do I format a webform to register for events so I can fill it out multiple times without cancelling previous registrations?

Found the solution, it is a setting that was there all along. On the CiviCRM configuration page under the Event Registration tab there is a section called Registration options. In here there is a ...
Gemma - Fuzion's user avatar
3 votes

Private content for event participant?

I would use the CiviRules extension, you could structure it something like - if registered participant of 'X' event, send email of 'X' template. With this you could just create an email template for ...
Laura's user avatar
  • 392
3 votes

How to transfer an event participation from one contact to another in the back end?

Graham, I understand that there are some issue when moving contact when logged is as Admin. You can also try an extension developed by LCD Services that moves participant from one contact to another. ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Expected one ParticipantPayment but found 0

From the backtrace, you can see that the error is caused by a line in the org.civicrm.multidomaininvoicing extension. I assume this is your extension? getvalue is only appropriate if you're sure ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Unable to update participants using civicrm api?

Since you are passing $entity_id to id in participant params without checking it to be not empty. If $entity_id is empty then new participant will be created else it will be updated. Make sure your id ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

how to get participant id on registration thank-you page

the following did the trick - works in this situation well enough as we only allow registering one participant: {$participantIDs.0} The above grabs the participant ID of the first (and only in our ...
MtnPavlas's user avatar
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3 votes

CiviEvent Mass Participant Registration - Blank Page

This is a recent regression. A fix has been merged for 5.33 (RC) and the upcoming 5.32.2.
Tim Otten's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you Change the Default Participant Search Profile?

I believe configurable search profiles are only available for Advanced Search, and then only when results are displayed as Contacts. From the inline help for Advanced Search: Views For Display ...
davejenx's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get an event registration invoice to the right person?

This is a question that comes up quite a lot (assistants registering their bosses, parents registering their kids for summer camps, etc) and there isn't a good solution currently. It would be a great ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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2 votes

Notes about participants

You can add Custom Fields specifically to Participant records and you can be more specific than just 'all participants' since the options provided are Participants Participants (Event Name) ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

Notes about participants

You're on the right direction, participant notes are intended for this. But as you say, seems there is no way to show this field info on an event report. Exists an improvement registered on CRM-20236 ...
Francesc Bassas i Bullich's user avatar
2 votes

How do I get Retrospective feedback for an event using a Webform (participant Custom Data)?

OK - I have it, for this I've set up a Scheduled Job that fires off to "attended" participants a few days after the event. I set up a smart group of "participants whos participatory ...
Marsh's user avatar
  • 670
2 votes

Error when searching for Participants

Kevin, This is a core bug and is fixed under HTH Pradeep
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

how to get participant id on registration thank-you page

The participant_id can be accessed on the event registration thank you page in two different ways -- by using Smarty template variables when the user is logged in or by using session variables when ...
dsmith63's user avatar
  • 419
2 votes

Private content for event participant?

Another route to consider - add some custom fields to your Event entity, then you can put the url in to those fields, then you can set up a Sch Reminder that is using a token for the custom field, and ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

Private content for event participant?

I do this with our community, but we use Drupal and create an "organic group" for each event. We did some investigating of what it would take to migrate off Drupal and onto Wordpress, and group ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
2 votes

Error printing event badges after sorting by participant name

I confirmed that this is caused by having a name badge layout with a spacer field and sorting the participants by name prior to generating name badges. My work-around for now is to instead of using a ...
Larry K.'s user avatar
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2 votes

How do I find individuals that are participants in multiple (two) events?

You could do it in multiple steps: search for Event 1 participants then create a group use advanced search, enter the new group in the group box, and in the events section select Event 2 participants ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.7k
2 votes

Re-ordering search results changes results

This is with a fix included in 5.14.0
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.7k
2 votes

CIVICRM Create API for event participate

Md Maidul Islam, Bit difficult to understand from your question what you want to achieve. 1 - Do you mean to add participant for an event? Then you can use Entity = Participant and Action = Create ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

report on price list options?

I would give our Extended Report extension a go since it offers Price Set Line Item reporting options
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

Non-chargeable event participants

Are you using price sets for the ones that are public and chargeable? If so, we add an option and set the visibility to Admin. Then we can add them in the back-end, but they don't show up publicly.
Jenni Simonis's user avatar
2 votes

Fatal error when emailing specific participant list

I eventually found the error for this problem, which was triggering an error for CiviEvent registrations and event reminders. Guidance from @Demerit and @petednz should have led me to it sooner. The ...
Davy Ivins's user avatar
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2 votes

Modify "Thank-you Screen" fields to support tokens?

Not quite in the way you'd like, unfortunately. In time, this will be possible with Form Builder, but not yet. For now, you have a few options. I won't go into details, but will answer follow-up ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

JSON syntax to set custom date field with current date/time using a civirules action

This exact thing came up for me this week. Just use the word "now", without quotes. No json. It uses api3 to set the value so anything api3 understands will work.
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
2 votes

Participants vs Activities vs Cases for custom functionality

(keeping out of the 'to use FormBuilder or not' part of the question) If 1/ was an Activity, then Activity can be Assigned to the Educator by the Coordinator (which should/could trigger the email) If ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

unable to change selections for participant registrations

It's buried in the comments, but I wanted to put a conclusion here -- in the end it was some forgotten custom PHP code that was the culprit. Thank you Pradeep for the suggestion, sorry I couldn't ...
minbori's user avatar
  • 551
2 votes

Civievent 5.73.2 register participant is different from online registration

If you are wanting Profiles to provide 'conditional fields' then you are likely to need an Extension such as
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

Private content for event participant?

Welcome empiguet. I do not use WP so much and I may not quite follow your workflow but I think you would need to do something as follows - if person registers then add to Smart Group - if in Smart ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

How do I find individuals that are participants in multiple (two) events?

Advanced Search, Participant Search And reports only allows you to select 'One of' the selected option i.e it does "Event 1 OR Event 2" on the selected events. But I guess you want "Event 1 AND Event ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar

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