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4 votes

CV Scheduled jobs not firing from cron

Ok so this may seem like a silly issue to some but after some messing around I figured out cron didn't have access to the path where CV was installed so to fix it the crontab entry had to be changed ...
tanbog's user avatar
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4 votes

Scheduled job execution time is creeping

This is a problem that's popped up and been squashed a few times - it's a little trickier to fix than it seems. The current conversation about it is on Gitlab but CRM-17671 provides some historical ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

civimail sometimes stuck on running via Scheduled Jobs screen

Using "Execute Now" from Scheduled Jobs isn't safe because your web server settings (in php.ini) will specify a maximum amount of time a page can run before it times out. If you're ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Process Inbound Emails Failed: No mail protocol

At Administer > CiviMail > Mail Accounts (civicrm/admin/mailSettings) you want to see two accounts configured, one for Bounce processing and one for Activity processing It's possible what you're ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
3 votes

DB Error: connect failed when trying to call Job.execute using cli.php?

First, you can view the error with greater detail if you enable "Debug and Backtrace", or view the CiviCRM log. The troubleshooting documentation will tell you how to do both. Second, I would assume ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any reason to not run the scheduled job Clean-up Temporary Data and Files every hour?

Check how long it takes to run on your system. if it doesn't take too long, I don't see any reason not to run it hourly.
Xavier's user avatar
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3 votes

Send Schedule Mailings job succeeds but scheduled mailing not completely sent

We found that applying this line's change from this PR to the mosaico extension solved our problem:
Joe Murray's user avatar
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3 votes

Cron not working after forcing https

The most likely causes for breakage with this change are: Cron job is pointing to HTTP only curl by default will not follow 302 redirects, while wget will. If you're using curl, it won't work ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
3 votes

Relationship disabled by end date but still enabled?

The "Disable expired relationships" scheduled job should set the is_active field to 0 for relationships with a past end date. A bit of history: Civi has always treated both past and disabled ...
davejenx's user avatar
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3 votes

Civi Event scheduled reminders error - missing date causes DB syntax error

Problem a result of a reminder that has no sending date. (see attached image) This error results in a syntax error that prevents all subsequent reminders from being sent. Solution is to add date or ...
Dave T's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way NOT to email if a report with no result

As suggested by Demerit you can use alterMailParams to abort the email if the report has 0 rows. It will work on simple use case but would be difficult or need to add more logic you passing any ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

How to stop Mailing Queue from civirules?

Rules run by delayed action should be in the civicrm_queue_item table. Please be sure not to delete any other rows that may be in there!
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Modify emailed reports content

UPDATE: Since 5.29 you can do this in an extension do like the override example at In the extension's main file example.php: ...
Demerit's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you properly setup scheduled job for report mailings?

The format is instanceId=1 format=csv No brackets. The format parameter value can also be print for printer-friendly HTML. If no format is specified it will send as PDF. If you are doing this in ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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Not receiving email from Scheduled Reminder for Activity

OK, answering my own question after much investigation. This was a bitnami civiCRM stack and the crontab to run Job.execute was running as the bitnami user (our error), but needed to run as daemon. ...
danielrobertson's user avatar
3 votes

Membership status changing from Grace to Expired a day later than expected

The 'Fixed Period Rollover Date' relates to the start of memberships and is not relevant here. This is about date maths ... Grace is defined as End Date (Dec 31) to End Date + 6 months. So what date ...
Aidan's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I access drush commands specific to CiviCRM?

The readme for cv needs updating. It's now tested pretty well with drupal 8. I would use cv instead. See also
Demerit's user avatar
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3 votes

Scheduled Job -- Mail report - cannot find InstanceID

You have instanceID with a capital D. It wants instanceId.
Demerit's user avatar
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Cronjob for CiviCRM with drush 10: The "-u" option does not exist

I don't know if there still is a way to use drush but I got the cronjob working with cv: composer require civicrm/cv And then the crontab is: * * * * * /var/www/path_to_civi_project/vendor/civicrm/cv/...
Tobias Krause's user avatar
3 votes

CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR / template_c folder becomes too large. How to empty it periodically?

The action Job.cleanup has a parameter tplCache which is set to 0 by default. When the action is called with the parameter set to 1 the folder gets emptied. Create a new scheduled job Choose "...
Tobias Krause's user avatar
3 votes

With the Job Report Sender can multiple reports be sent from the same job, e.g. instanaceId=1, instancesId=2, instanceId= 4

You will need to create a Schedule job for each report separately.
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

How can I get $params into my own scheduled job?

This is what I have: (I know you can read it :-) And in my code: function civicrm_api3_note_Migrate($params) { // param migrate_type determines what will be selected, defaulted to contact $...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

Schedule Jobs Page on Multisite

This is actually the correct interface. I believe you're trying to compare the "List Scheduled Jobs" interface with the "Edit a single Scheduled Job" interface. If you press "Edit" next to any ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

Update Membership Statuses

the warning is about how Reminders are managed. In terms of the Scheduled Job - yes you need that enabled if you want to have the Membership Status automatically updating (and it would a rare ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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2 votes

Manually started scheduled email not completing

Have you tried manually running the job again? It's likely that you hit the maximum time for the process on your server and that is why it's hanging. I seem to remember having to do that when we did a ...
Jenni Simonis's user avatar
2 votes

I am trying to set up easycron

The username and password are for a WordPress user. I would recommend setting up a user specifically for this purpose and don't use it for anything else. You will need to give the user the correct ...
William Mortada's user avatar
2 votes

CIVICRM mailing links not working properly in schedule job

We are having this problem as well, also in WordPress 4.9.2. We have discovered that the issue arises because permissions get corrupted. According to SiteGround, our host, these permissions in ...
Michelle Rojas's user avatar
2 votes

manage new scheduled job

I assume you mean the job that is used to send Scheduled Mailings . You do not have to create it. It is part of the standard configuration. So the only thing to do is to enable it. But to be complete ...
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

DB Error: connect failed when trying to call Job.execute using cli.php?

And after all that, it looks like it was a password error after all, just not the password I thought. cli.php is retrieving the Drupal MySQL username and password from CIVICRM_UF_DSN in civicrm....
somnolentsurfer's user avatar
2 votes

DB Error: connect failed when trying to call Job.execute using cli.php?

I was also going to add that there are alternatives, e.g. CiviHosting offer this method which can be done via the hosting control panel ...
Rose Lanigan's user avatar
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