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9 votes

How do I safely export my database and import it on a new server?

You can export the civicrm database without triggers and functions and After importing and making sure you have CiviCRM working, recreate the triggers by running 'civicrm/menu/rebuild?reset=1&...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to import database dump - triggers

Our team use perl -pi -e 's#\/\*\!5001[7|3].*?`[^\*]*\*\/##g'
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
2 votes

The mysql commands you need to run are stored in

For some reason you have the civi setting logging_no_trigger_permission set. Possibly at one time it temporarily solved a different problem. You can remove it with DELETE FROM civicrm_setting WHERE ...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.1k
1 vote

How can I use CiviRules to update case status based on age of case (set to inactive or similar)

This is old but I was having the same problem and found the solution (at least for the "Activity is added" trigger. Using the "Case activity is added" trigger works with the action ...
Lisa J's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I use CiviRules to update case status based on age of case (set to inactive or similar)

You probably hit upon a bug in CiviRules. I would assume that case actions should work with this trigger. What you can do report a bug at and if you are ...
Jaap Jansma - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

Uninstalling civivolunteer - trigger remains

I removed the following tables from from 'civicrm_custom_group' table and everything is working as expected: civicrm_value_civivolunteer_... civicrm_value_volunteer_com_... This was the only ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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1 vote

Summary Fields triggers settings not enabled

Sorry for the slow response - I am just now seeing this question. The status should be: "Setting changes were saved on 2020-05-04, data calculation will be performed on every cron run." I'm ...
Jamie's user avatar
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1 vote

Database Syntax Error when attempting upgrade

After a lot of digging, I realised what was happening. For some reason, there was a second civicrm_saved_search table in the database named civicrm_saved_search-b . That hyphen - is an 'illegal' ...
Jade's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the server IP in database trigger definitions?

Thanks to comments by Demerit, my confusion arises from the fact that our MySQL server and web server (with core CiviCRM files) are separate. The mask matches our web ...
Karl Rudnick's user avatar

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