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Wordpress Clean URLs show "Page Not Found"

Please check that you the base page here: The value here Should be an existing published WP Page. I ...
Kevin Cristiano's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to Pre-Fill Form Fields Using URL Parameters?

Most pages don't support this out of the box because securing inputs is tricky. CiviReports supports this, and search pages are starting to support this (it works for a handful of fields and more are ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How to input URLs in CiviCRM fields (custom fields or standard fields) so that they're clickable

There two ways a field which can be used as link. Contact's website field This is field is available for Contact of all type i.e Individual, Org etc. on new contact form or can also be added to ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

Change URL only on WordPress+CiviCRM

The advice in the documention is fairly old and much of it is no longer appropriate. In the most recent CiviCRM versions, more and more of the url settings are automatically calculated from the 'base ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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2 votes

Get URL of custom image field

Check how this bug was fixed elsewhere
user4278's user avatar
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2 votes

URL Query String - Phone Number

It depends what you mean by "all records", but the custom search called full-text search (under Search - Custom Searches) can be made to run via url like so:
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
2 votes

New navigation menu item broken url

I think you have to do this: civicrm/contact/search?force=1&qfKey=0&reset=1
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

How to amend CiviCRM Event URL

This is a known issue for a quiet a long time and has been no progress on it. Alternate way of doing this would be to use global text (or use the event title field) and rewrite the output as a link ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

Basic Wordpress user cannot see CiviCRM

After having tested all the possibilities by checking and unchecking all the options marked in the WordPress Access Control pane, I found that the box "CiviCRM: access CiviCRM backend and API" must ...
Patrick's user avatar
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2 votes

How Do You Generate a Report for Number of Mail Clickthroughs and What The Most Popular Links Were For a Campaign

This will be possible with SearchKit soon. Mail clicks was just added to APIv4 and SearchKit last week: So you won't be able to use it yet, but it ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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1 vote

Allow anonymous users (not logged in) to edit their fields?

Take a look at the docs for checksums:
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
1 vote

retrieve event registration link with api v4

There isn't any option in the API to generate registration link, the code you are using should create the correct link $id = $event['id']; $reglink = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register', &...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an easy way to provide a link to an online event after user has registered?

CiviCRM uses the "system workflow templates" "Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (off-line)" and Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)" for its ...
Fabian's user avatar
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1 vote

Events Editable But Public URL is Bad

I figured it out. I needed a base page. It's fixed!
Chris's user avatar
  • 394
1 vote

What this bot/IP trying to do on my civicrm site?

It's a SQL injection attempt, where it's looking to see if it gets used in a query and alters it. Depending on the query where it gets used, it could do nothing or it could do something, but at the ...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
1 vote

Mosaico mail template URL's don't function properly

Paul, welcome to CiviCRM stackechange. when you have clickthrough enabled for the mailing CiviCRM replaces those url into trackable url so that Civi can track clicks for mailing. Check you Resource ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

CiviCRM theme not loading after URL change

I updated CiviCRM, and all seems fine now!
somnolentsurfer's user avatar
1 vote

URL Query String - Phone Number

LAE, You can do this in many ways As suggested by Demerit you can use Full text search and append in url. If you are using Drupal, then you can use Views to create list of contact and then use ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Get URL of custom image field

The file hash is mandatory because of CIVI-SA-2019-01. Now you have to use the attachments url, which is available via the API. To bypass the permission check, you have to add the parameter ...
Philipp Michael's user avatar
1 vote

Pass parameter in URL to select Other field on contribution page

Other than the issue of the "Other' radio button not being selected, the answer here should work for Other too:
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

Allow Website URL field without "http://" string

Unfortunately, there is no setting for this. You would indeed need to create an extension that pre-fills the field in teh way you need it. If you have not done so yet, you may have a look at the ...
Fabian's user avatar
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1 vote

"Access denied" after IP address change (WAMP; Drupal)

Setting up a new database isn't necessary. For folks who encounter similar issues in the future: after checking your BASE_URL setting in civicrm.settings.php, delete your templates_c folder (found ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
1 vote

How do I change the default URLs to contribution or event registration pages?

It takes some manual work, but for some important Civi links and events etc., I've just been putting them in my .htaccess file in root of my linux/Apache setup. Here's an example. Redirect 301 /...
desierto's user avatar
  • 353
1 vote

URL issue with AWS load balancer and SSL certificate

You should look at log the load balancer. the 503 might be generated there (ie. the LB can't reach the backend) or it might be that the LB can reach the real servers hosting civi, but they can't ...
Xavier's user avatar
  • 10.2k
1 vote

Staging Site: 404 WordPress

Sorry I forgot to put a response here... Just to let those know who may have this issue Adding "Options -MultiViews" to the .htaccess fixed it... Simple fix but was an environment based issue... ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote

Staging Site: 404 WordPress

welcome to the CiviVerse! Check for the presence of the .htaccess files. Depending on how you cloned the site perhaps these were lost.
JohnFF's user avatar
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1 vote

Direct link to a CSV-formatted report

This might be tricky because the export csv button actually runs functions to compile the file and force the download using php header() and content-disposition attachment. See line 224 etc here to ...
Eli Lisseck's user avatar
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