6 votes

Paste from Text and Paste from Word in WYSIWYG Editor Throws Error

You can customize the CKE editor under Administer > Custom Data & Screens > Settings > Display Preferences, you can remove those buttons from the wysiwyg interface if you like.
RayWright's user avatar
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No Text Alignment option in CiviMail WYSIWYG Editor

Solved. Go to Admisister > Customize and Data Screens > Display Preferences Scroll down and click the Configure CKEditor Button In the space for "Plugins" Find "Justify" and save it. While you are at ...
fdarn's user avatar
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3 votes

CiviMail WYSIWYG not working

Based on the screenshots it looks like you've installed WP in it's own directory as opposed to the web root. Starting in Version 4.7.27 CiviCRM will detect if WP is installed in it's own directory ...
Kevin Cristiano's user avatar
3 votes

WYSIWYG editor disappeared in CiviCRM 4.7.16

Well, it works again through magic and voodoo. All I did was go to the Wordpress Access Control page as Christia recommended and clicked "Save". I didn't modify any settings. Just clicking "Save" ...
Elijah van der Giessen's user avatar
2 votes

WYSIWYG editor disappeared in CiviCRM 4.7.16

What WYSIWYG editor are you using? IF CKEditor, reestablish roles and permissions for the CKEditor by going into the configuration settings for text editors on your CMS side and make sure it's still ...
Christia's user avatar
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2 votes

CiviMail WYSIWYG not working

Not exactly, but I've seen WYSIWYG having problems on one of our sites due to incorrect loading of [cms.root] token in Resource URL. To check what's wrong. Look for the token populated by clicking on ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
2 votes

WYSIWYG stopped working in title tab

Solved. The problem was caused by the new theme we installed. The theme Super Mag is not compatible with Civi and will break of the wysiwyg functions. Once uninstalled it worked properly again.
fdarn's user avatar
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2 votes

wysiwyg missing on Campaign description

You should have the wysiwyg on campaign description field after installing Convert textare to WYSIWYG extension HTH Pradeep
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

Thank-you letters WYSIWYG vs html source content

You can turn off html encoding for CKeditor through UI Navigate to Administer >> Customize Data and Screens >> Display preferences Scroll down until you see Configure CkEditor button. ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

better display of incoming email messages in database

Thank you @demerit and @jitendra for your help! It turns out, the answer is: don't change the label for the Incoming Email activity type :). The user changed it from Incoming Email to just Email. ...
Jamie's user avatar
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2 votes

CKEditor WYSIWYG - Can't use link dialogue to create links (OK button doesn't work)

Try this: JQuery update settings: Set alternate jQuery version for admin pages to: 1.5 Make sure CiviCRM theme module is installed In Appearance -> set CiviCRM Administration theme to Adminimal (or ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
1 vote

CiviCRM Display Preferences/Wysiwyg Editor does not show "Default Drupal Editor" as an option

It's not a direct answer to your question but I wonder if you've considered installing the Mosiaco extension? You might find that an improvement over the standard CiviMail interface. This may mean ...
William Mortada's user avatar
1 vote

How to add advanced options for CKEditor

Thanks to Demerit. The solution for now is to add the file to the composer.json: "civicrm-asset": { "path": "httpdocs/libraries/civicrm", "url": "/...
Tobias Krause's user avatar
1 vote

How to add advanced options for CKEditor

Right below that link is a set of dropdowns to select the advanced options.
Demerit's user avatar
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WYSIWYG editor not appearing in CiviCRM and Drupal

Ah, I've figured out the problem after looking at the code in ./sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Admin/Form/MessageTemplates.php. The WYSIWYG editor is only shown if the message template is not a system ...
user2430147's user avatar
1 vote

WYSIWYG editor not present with WordPress

Well, finally managed to get CKEditor going, but this is far from an ideal solutuion. The problem is that an extra component is being put into the URL for the editor. My main site that works is mysite....
Mick Kahn's user avatar
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1 vote

CKEditor Multi-Site Configuration Problem

Thanks Jon G, for steering me in the right direction and hopefully this might help someone down the line. I probably wasn't particularly clear in my description in that I run a Drupal multisite but ...
jansmath3's user avatar
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CKEditor Multi-Site Configuration Problem

You should be able to fix this by defining the CIVICRM_CMSDIR constant. Since you're using multi-site, you'll need to define that on a per-site basis.
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
1 vote

How to change ckEditors config.colorButton_colors

Sorry. The question is sufficiently answered here How do I override the default CKEditor configuration? The file I was looking for is sites/default/files/civicrm/persist/crm-ckeditor-config.js ...
commonpike's user avatar
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1 vote

settings_location.php - is there an example

The settings_location.php file should not normally be required, but an example is described at: https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=83034188 The file civicrm.config.php ...
Tim Otten's user avatar
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1 vote

WYSIWYG Custom field Post Help text

I'm afraid the answer is "no you can't configure that to allow HTML tags". If you need lots of Help text put most of that into the 'Body' on the Event Info and/or Event Register and/or Contribution ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
1 vote

CKEDITOR is undefined when form is being loaded in model frame outside of /civicrm/ path

Since you are using 4.6, the answer is that you need to ensure templates/CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl is being loaded and that the smarty variable $includeWysiwygEditor is set to true. Or since you are ...
Coleman's user avatar
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