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Bug? Relationship lost when merging if both contacts have the same relationship with the same contact

I recreated this on the sandbox site: Edit the employee relationship on the contact "Alabama Action Fund". Add a relationship start date (like a year ago) and an end date (like a month ago)....
Daniel Strum's user avatar
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How to search for individuals with duplicate partners

We have a data import error where a large number of individuals have two partners, instead of just the one they should have. This causes errors with another system we use that is linked to civicrm. I ...
Jonb's user avatar
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dupe_check parameter only works for contacts?

I would like to disable the dupe check on relationships. Is it true that the API parameter parameter 'dupe_check' works only for contacts or can it be also used in relationship api calls? Here under 4....
ñull's user avatar
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