I'm still having some English mixed with French even though these strings are translated since years in transifex. Like in this example:
Veuillez vérifier attentivement les informations ci-dessous. Cliquez sur Retour si vous avez besoin d'y apporter des changements. To complete your contribution, click the Continue button below.
And forcing to translate in word replacement doesn't work either. Of course I cleared all caches.
The concerned file is /sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Payment/Manual.php line 255
Any idea?
POST : I'm getting confused. The text
To complete your contribution, click the %1 button below.
is supposed to be translated since 8 years but should appear in
when it's not and is to be find in
/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Payment/Manual.php line 255