It seems using ACLs to limit access to contacts is a hot topic. I've reviewed many of the questions on the topic, many years old, but have yet to find a solution. Scenario is:
• Our Federation has direct members (paid) and 52 member clubs (free).
• Each club can have hundreds of their own members and club members inherit a membership to the Federation through their Club.
• I am trying to create a login controlled by an ACL that limits a Club Admin to viewing, editing and creating only their own members.
• Clubs in Wordpress are assigned the Club Admin User Role with permissions for CiviCRM.
• I've put the Club contact type 'Organization-Member Club' into a group 'Clubs'
• I've created a Club Admin Role assigned to the group Clubs.
• I'm creating an ACL for each specific club using the Club Admin Role, allowing Edit' 'Edit' on 'group of contacts' data assigned to the specific club group
• Tried creating a 'Smart Group' on search for specific club Membership which finds the memberships but doesn't allow Access Control, only Mailing List.
The only results I can get when logged in as a Club Admin user is a listing of all Contacts, if I have 'view all contacts' in the WP permissions — if I don't have that permission, I get nothing. I've been through many, many combinations of permissions, roles, groups, relationships, memberships and ACL settings. Is there not a solution that doesn't require creating multiple entries in separate tabs? This seems like a pretty common requirement for multi-level organizations, what am I missing?