Keep getting message
Template not found. Could not find the report template. Make sure the report template is registered and/or url is correct.
I followed a guide in setting up a custom report. I created a new custom PHP path and a custom template path. Within both of those the guide said to recreate the path of the original report. ie: /CRM/Report/Form/Contact/then the .tpl placed in there. The path for custom PHP was also the same with the report PHP placed in there.
In the guide it said copy the existing tpl file (in this case it was called Relationships) and then edit it to include the following line:
{include file="CRM/Report/Form.tpl"}
It then said save it as the new file name. In this case ResidentialCommunities.tpl and refreshed
I then registered the report in Administer>Civireport> Register Report
In the settings under Url it shows /Contact/ResidentialCommunities Under Class it shows CRM_Report_Form_Contact_ResidentialCommunities
It registers. Then when going to Contact and Contact Reports then add new report it shows under Contact Reports the clickable link to my custom report. Then I click it and it throws the error. I'm certain that there is an issue with the Url field, but can't see why.