I am on Wordpress 4.9.5 and Civi 5.0.1. Please see the screen shot of a downloaded pdf invoice. I would really like to remove that CiviCRM logo or replace it with my own. Is there a configuration somewhere I can do that?
Thank you
The invoice is generated based on the template "Contributions - Invoice". It contains a line to the logo ({$resourceBase}/i/civi99.png" height = "34px" width = "99px") that you would need to replace.
You can find teh message templates by Navigating to >>Administer >>CiviMail >>Message Templates in the tab "System Workflow Messages"
I think a great way to make this easier would be to show the profile picture of the admin user at this place. Also I think the standard CiviCRM logo should adhere to the "Show 'powered by' setting" in civicrm/admin/setting/misc I will create a PR for the later option.