I am using SearchKit to build a professional membership register in Civi 5.58.1. I want to show the value in a transformed field from the search (showing professional registration details), only if the field "Registration Status" does not have the value "Retired". I have tried using the following Smarty code in Rewrite, which does not seem to work. Am I doing something wrong?
{capture assign=RegStatus}{[Membership_Contact_contact_id_01.Details_ccc.Registration_status:label]}{/capture}
{capture assign=RegDetails}{[CONCAT_WS_Membership_Contact_contact_id_01_Details_ccc_Practise_Licensing_Authority_Membership_Contact_contact_id_01_Details_ccc_Practise_license_number]}{/capture}
{If $RegStatus eq 'Retired'}