I'm working on learning Angular/AngularJS for use with CiviCRM and confused about which version I should be learning. How can I see which version CiviCRM is using?

2 Answers 2


How to check your Angular version

  1. Go to the default Angular base page for your site at http://example.org/civicrm/a

  2. Open a browser console

  3. Evaluate angular.version within the console:


Notes about Angular versions


With even version 5 of civicrm it is still using angular 1.5. I checked it on the demo site https://demo.circle-interactive.co.uk/civicrm/a

on the console i ran:

angular.version, and it returned this :- {full: "1.5.11", major: 1, minor: 5, dot: 11, codeName: "princely-quest"}

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