CiviCRM 4.62 on Drupal 7.37 in a Linux Virtual Box using only the CiviCASE module.
I need a full calendar view for civiCRM activities. I need a page with month, week and day views for the current user. I also need the calendar to have the ability to easily select a different user's calendar. I have other requirements that would be nice features but I need at least those two (full calendar and change users).
In practice -- The case manager wants to see at a glance what their day, week or month looks like, particularly to find a free day and time for an appointment. They also want to see the availability of other staff in a quick and efficient manner because they may be scheduling an appointment for that other staff person.
As proof of concept (but for Events, not Activities) there is the 'CiviCRM Event Calendar' extension by osseed (Link to Git page) built 2 years ago and updated six months ago. I haven't tested it but I assume it works. It is based on the open source jquery plugin called Full Calendar (link to description page) .
I have seen mentions of other attempts to provide this full calendar feature but they fizzled out somewhere along the line. The one I tried fell short of actually showing a calendar -- Contact Calendar (Link to description page). In that case it showed a new tab on the contacts page but no calendar appeared.
I would prefer this feature to be an extension to CiviCRM so it would be useful to a larger audience than just Drupal users.
How many hours should this take for a consultant to develop?
Any other thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. John in Oregon.