I'm using Entity References and CiviCRM Entity to create some limited silent auction functionality.
- In CiviCRM, I have an "In-Kind" contribution type with some custom fields for each donation of an item to be auctioned off.
- In Drupal, I have an "Auction Package" content type for each group of one or more items that will be purchasable at auction.
- I created an entity reference field in the auction package so that you can select which items are part of each package. (So you could combine, say, a hotel's gift of a one-night stay with a restaurant's donated gift certificate.)
So I've figured out how to pull CiviCRM information into Drupal. But is there a way to leverage the entity reference field in reverse to pull info from Drupal back into CiviCRM? I'd like to have a reference field in the contribution, or record the package number from the Drupal entity in the Civi contribution. How can I do this?
Note: This is a new system, and I'm fairly new to CiviCRM, so I'm open to doing things differently if reworking anything about the way I have this set up would make this work better.