Adding another answer since this might work for you better. In your extension in hook_civicrm_buildForm do something like this. I'm not sure if this is documented anywhere but the country/state chain will do some autowiring for you if your fields are named in a special way.
function myextension_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
if ($formName == 'The_Form_Name') {
$form->add('select', 'country', ts('Country'), CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country());
'template' => 'CRM/Myextension/my.tpl',
Then in CRM/Myextension/my.tpl something like:
<tr><td class="label">{$}</td>
<tr><td class="label">{$form.state_province.label}</td>
You may have to fiddle a bit but this will automatically apply the countryLimit and connect the two fields.