1. Front-End Interface for End-Users
  • Develop a login based front-end portal for members where they can login using individual credentials, and see their own records.
  • Front-end GUI will show members static information for their accounts including o Name, address, email, phone, birthday, professional skills, etc. o Add/update family members, relationship, personal info for each family member (name, address, email, phone, birthday, professional skills, etc.) o Membership status (lifetime, annual, date of expiry if annual) o Data of financial pledges, payments made, balances due, donation summary o File attachment section where admins can upload pdf files (for e.g. tax statements, receipts, etc.)
  • Email notification when a member makes a change to their account
  • Forgot and reset password functions
  • Welcome to StackExchange! This is a good question that I think will be useful for others. I've edited the title to make it easier for other people to find it. I hope that's okay. Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 16:27

1 Answer 1


Depends how complicated you want to make it, though we simply use:

https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/integration/wordpress/ explains things pretty well, including frontend dashboard [civicrm component="user-dashboard"] and profiles.

  • emails on submission is I think a setting in a profile (though you could also use Caldera Forms (or its impending replacement to capture information and I recall that has many more settings for notifications etc - a good place to start would be https://wordpress.org/plugins/cf-civicrm-formprocessor/

  • Forgot and reset password functions - using the above approach with Members and Members Sync etc allow you to just use the WordPress default system for login, forget and reset functions etc (and there a many a WordPress plugin to style and tweak the WordPress login page.

Good luck.

  • Thank you, I will follow your instructions....
    – user12468
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 12:08

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