When you go to the registration page of an event that uses a discount code from CiviDiscount, this error appears several times in a big red error box at the top. If you scroll down far enough the actual registration form does appear. We have recently upgraded from an earlier version of Civi to 4.6.9, and from Joomla to Drupal. We have upgraded the CiviDiscount extension to 3.1 after doing the upgrade and migration.
This error message is repeated:
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in CRM_CiviDiscount_DiscountCalculator->filterDiscountsByContact() (line 108 of /home/registrationrig/www/www/sites/default/files/civicrm/extensions/org.civicrm.module.cividiscount/CRM/CiviDiscount/DiscountCalculator.php). Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in CRM_CiviDiscount_DiscountCalculator->filterDiscountsByContact() (line 108 of /home/registrationrig/www/www/sites/default/files/civicrm/extensions/org.civicrm.module.cividiscount/CRM/CiviDiscount/DiscountCalculator.php).