I'm helping our food coop transition from a home grown membership system to CiviCRM. We have a number of unique requirements and am wondering whether any members have a model configuration to share for coop membership. Some of the uniqueness includes:
Equity for membership is paid in different amounts and over different periods of time for individual versus family memberships. During the equity period one is still an active member and must also pay a yearly fee.
There is also an option for sweat equity for those who cannot pay the equity fee. This also needs to be tracked for completion.
I'm currently struggling with the using membership types versus membership status to track the above.
- The coop has varying discount levels based on the amount of hours volunteered. This can change on a monthly basis and the monthly discount rate needs to be tracked. A separate PHP/MySQL based system tracks the actual hours posted.
Realizing that this is a very broad subject and request, I am hoping there are some members here who have a similar system they've set up for their coop and could share some insights and even some configuration info.