When debugging CiviCRM pages, is there a native way to emit the SQL statements being run, eg on a Search page? I'm looking for something easier than finding the code for the page and putting in a debug_var kind of statement. I'd prefer to not have to rely on a Drupal module like cTools, since we work with other CMSes frequently these days.
4 Answers
If you want to see everything, you can enable MySQL logging as follows (don't do this on production!):
From the mysql console (or within an application like MySQL Workbench), run:
SET global general_log = 1; SET global log_output = 'table';
Look at all queries run within the last 15 seconds
select * from mysql.general_log where command_type = 'Query' and event_time > now() - interval 15 second;
Try to find queries on the civicrm_contact table
select * from mysql.general_log where argument like '%civicrm_contact%' and argument not like '%general_log%' order by event_time desc;
Clear the log
truncate table mysql.general_log;
Turn off logging
SET global general_log = 0;
Try setting:
define('CIVICRM_DAO_DEBUG', 1);
in your civicrm.settings.php file, this might work based on a quick glance at the code.
The output will appear onscreen and in the CiviCRM log file (eg sites/default/files/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/CiviCRM*log
or media/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/CiviCRM*log
or wp-content/plugins/files/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/CiviCRM*log
If your page happens to be a report, you can install the Extended Reports extension which will display the full sql query being run.
I am not sure wether such a functionality exist in CiviCRM but something wich might be worth a look at is the logfiles