I cannot find any reference to this issue in 4.7.7 mentioned here. My "Repeat Event" tab appears different than in test - with additional options.
Situation: As expected, there should be an enforced error check between radio buttons "Repeat On" and "Repeat By". Repeat WeeklyOn is once a week or once a month or year, etcor whatever day you select. Repeat By could be Every Other Sunday orthe 1st of each month, the First Sunday of every month, etc. The two options (Repeat On and Repeat By) are mutually exclusive.
HOWEVER - the error check is looking at the two options within "Repeat By" and ignoring the fact that Repeat WeeklyOn is selected. It throws the error that I must select one option (see attached pic) in what appears to be the Repeat By section.
There is not an option in Repeats By for "Every" - only specified regular intervals excluding weekly. Options are First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last. No option for EVERY.
FURTHER - when I select "Repeat By" and hit Save, despite what appears to be a successful save, IT IS NOT SAVED. No errors. No repeating event confirmation. And the tab is cleared
The behavior I expect is that I can select Repeat Every 1 Week Repeats On Sunday Ends On or After.
Or am I missing something?