Is there a way to increase the size of the Relationship Notes field?
In 4.6, it appears to be stored in the varchar(255) "description" column of the civicrm_relationship table. Nevertheless, Webform-CiviCRM integration let us use a textarea as a widget for this field, and now that the client has become accustomed to the idea of using this field for longer content.
I tried simply increasing the column size in the database and flushing caches, but it does not seem to make any difference by itself; submitting the webform to create the relationship results in the same error:
The CiviCRM "relationship create" API returned the error: "Value for description is 884 characters - This field has a maxlength of 255 characters." when called by function "preSave" on line 187 of with parameters: "Array ( [relationship_type_id] => 17 [is_active] => 1 [start_date] => now [description] => 884-character description went here [contact_id_a] => 26305 [contact_id_b] => 13475 [is_permission_b_a] => 1 [is_permission_a_b] => 0 [check_permissions] => [version] => 3 ) "
The site is a Drupal 7.44 / CiviCRM 4.6.19 site, with Webform 7.x-4.x-dev and Webform-CiviCRM Integration 7.x-4.15. The ability to add case relationships was added back in 7.x-3.x.