I am running Drupal 7.37 and CiviCRM 4.3.8. I am in the process of upgrading both, but currently get an error when manually creating a backup of the CiviCRM database. All regularly occurring daily backups are fine.
I used this command:
root@web:/path/to/docroot# drush civicrm-sql-dump > ../civicrmdatabase-backup1610312230.sql
Which returned:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function drush_sql_dump_execute() in /var/www/html/civicrm/v4.3.8-d7/drupal/drush/civicrm.drush.inc on line 959
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. Error: Call to undefined function drush_sql_dump_execute() in /var/www/html/civicrm/v4.3.8-d7/drupal/drush/civicrm.drush.inc, line 959
It may be helpful to know that I am using a symlink from the Drupal modules folder to the civicrm install folder for now. Any insight into this error or an alternative to taking an immediate backup without installing anything would be appreciated, thanks!