I have migrated a CIVICRm installation from Wordpress to Drupal. Everything is working except the relationship tab under contacts. The tab heading has the number of relationships but no relationships are visible. contact tab

Also I can see the relationship in the relationship report.

How do I fix this as there no error being logged


  • Did you migrate the relationships?
    – Christia
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 12:55

2 Answers 2


This looks like an issue with templates_c. Try deleting the templates_c folder: Where are the "ConfigAndLog" and "templates_c" directories?


I had the same issue recently and the resolution was to ensure that the URL you use to access Drupal and CiviCRM must be consistent with what's entered in the CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL in civicrm.settings.php and the Resource URL in Administer CiviCRM >> Global Settings >> Resource URLs.

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