What is the recommended way to upload teenage volunteer and their parents data from csv file This is the info looking to upload First Last Email Cell Address City State Zip Home Phone Email 2 Birthday School Gender
Moms Prefix Moms First Name Moms Last Name Moms Cell Moms Email Moms Gender Moms Birthday
Father Prefix Fathers Name Fathers Last Name Fathers Email Fathers Gender Fathers Birthday Also...how do i group only the volunteer as group Volunteer & not the parents? Would you recommend to have the parents as a smart group such as parents of teenage volunteers for mailing purposes for example or to make a group called parents of teenage volunteers? How would i load that as part of this upload. Thank you!

1 Answer 1


You can use relationships to tie the parent(s) to the teen.


Here is some information on importing relational data on this page. Just scroll down about 3/4 of the way down:


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