I want to debug a function on this file https://github.com/Project60/org.project60.banking/blob/9dc6bdcc486753f70948edfd4ea36df0eb9d2f86/extension/api/v3/BankingTransaction.php
* Analyses the given bank transactions
* used as AJAX call
* @param list list of bank_tx ids to process
* @param s_list list of bank_tx_batch ids to process
* @return array api result array
* @access public
function civicrm_api3_banking_transaction_analyselist($params) {
CRM_Core_Error::debug_var ('params', $params);
The above function is invoked by button which has onclick event https://github.com/Project60/org.project60.banking/blob/9dc6bdcc486753f70948edfd4ea36df0eb9d2f86/extension/templates/CRM/Banking/Page/Review.tpl
The code is as follows
<a id="analyseButton" onClick="analysePayment()" class="button"><span title="{ts}Analyse (again){/ts}"><div class="icon preview-icon ui-icon-refresh"></div>{ts}Analyse (again){/ts}</span></a>
But I dont see anything on the log files, how can I get the variables I have checked it under sites/defaut/files/civicrm/ConfigandLog/ I dont see any civicrm.log files or any other files ending with .log dont have value of debug which I have entered Also debug settings has been set to Yes