I'm Running Civi 5.0.0 with Wordpress 4.9.5
I'm looking to troubleshoot the following warning. It comes up on the Find and Merge page after select any of my Find and Merge rules - no results are shown despite duplicate contacts existing,
DataTables warning: table id=dupePairs - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/1
ajax "response" in Chrome's tab shows what looks like the page's html file - I have no idea where to search for the actual ajax:
No error is recorded in Civi's log.
It looks and sounds a lot like this bug. Which is odd because I assume it would have fixed when upgrading to Civi 5.0
This staging site was running 4.7.17 until I updated to 5.0 (I had to manually create the columns card_type, and pan_truncation in the civicrm_financial_trxn table to complete the update).
Looking at the github patch, my dedupefind.tpl appears to contain the patched lines. Is there a part of the patch I'm missing via the WP copy or something else?