What permission must I grant to a user so that he can view his dashboard (/civicrm/user?reset=1) ?
(Currently running Civi 4.7.27 / Drupal 7.59)
If you want to give the user ability to see information on themself, the permission seems to be CiviCRM: access Contact Dashboard
. (I expected CiviCRM: view my contact
to be a requirement also, but it doesn't seem to be necessary for a contact to view their own dashboard.)
If you also want to give the ability to edit the logged in user via the contact dashboard, the permission is CiviCRM: edit my contact
Permission to access to other CiviCRM components may dictate which Dashboard elements appear on the user's dashboard.
View/Edit Drupal User Account
in the Profile's settings), and you have the option of Webform as well.
Jul 7, 2018 at 10:51
CiviCRM: access Contact Dashboard
in the first paragraph. (I'm surprised that you don't also need CiviCRM: view my contact
, but that was what I found when testing locally with CiviCRM 5.2.)
Jul 10, 2018 at 11:32
Another common method for exposing a limited set of fields for users to self-manage is a Profile, allows contacts to edit specific fields only. Advantages of Profiles include:
See the documentation on CiviCRM Profiles for more details, and Initial Setup → Customising the user interface also.
if you really want to fine tune what the user can 'see' then either directing them to a drupal path with various Views Blocks, or adding those Views Blocks to show on the Dashboard page can help.
If you also want the user to be able to modify 'some' data about themselves, then linking from the Views Block to a webform with ?cid1=[id] can usually take a user to a prefilled Webform where you can finely control what they see and what they can edit.