(2020 12 02; 13:27 US/PST: I've edited this question to more accurately reflect the data available for import.)
Can anyone point me at an example of two of importing a set of relationship data (e.g., is head or member of household) between an individual contact record and a (somehow) related household contact record? I have read through the available documentation several times, and have tried the import process in several ways, all to no useful results.
I am working with a small number of records (~27) of individuals to relate to (~17) households. Each individual and household record as a unique (but related) external identifier, and all related records have a record # in common among them, as well as a unique record number assigned by CiviCRM at the time of import. This number is not available prior to the import process and is not part of the import data.
I am working with WordPress 5.5.3 / CIviCRM 5.29.0.
Here are three example records (most fields omitted):
ID ID1 UniqueID Type Relationship Name
15 101015 1010150 h Hh Name
15 101015 1010151 i HoH HoH name
15 101015 1010152 i MoH MoH name
Household records have UniqueID ending in '0', Head of household individual records have UniqueID ending in '1', Member of household records have UniqueID ending in 2. This field is imported as CiviCRM's ExternalID. ID and ID1 look related in this example, they are not necessarily related. The UniqueID is created from ID1, which is an increasing series.
My approach has been to import individual records first, and then household records, with attempted links to individuals. This creates new individual records rather than updating existing individual records. I've read on SE that it may work better to create Hh records first and then import individuals. I will try that and update this question with results.
Once this small subset is functioning as expected, I then have about 2,000 records to import and establish relationships among individuals, households, and organizations. TIA, DVH