Sorry if my English contains mistakes.
I just installed Drupal 8 on Xampp (Windows 10 latest version) with Composer and Drush.
I then used the following commands for civiCRM:
cd /c/xampp/htdocs/site/web/ composer config extra.enable-patching true composer config minimum-stability dev composer require civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin:'~1.1' composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8}:'~5.39'
I also discovered on the internet that there were various other manipulations to be done:
- change the access rights for ‘civicrm.settings.php’;
- activate the "trusted host" to avoid an error in the administration of Drupal;
- activate the line 'extension = intl' in php.ini; etc.
"cv" being broken from what I could read, I then enabled civiCrm in the extensions and checked user permissions. Everything seems normal, I even tried giving the rights to any authenticated user.
But I am not getting to the civiCRM administration page as you can see.
I don't have another error message except "You don't have access to any admin page. " I tried logging out then logging in, but no change.
I couldn't find anything on the internet that could help me. Am I missing something? A solution, a piece of advice please?
composer civicrm:publish
which copies the javascript files etc.