I need to find contacts that have been removed from a specific group to add them back again in. I can find using custom search if they're not in a group, but not if they were in a specific group.

Is there a way to find them?

2 Answers 2


I authored Subscription History Report and it's a good choice, but these days I would use Search Kit (an extension which ships with CiviCRM - Administer menu » System Settings » Extensions.

From there, you can use this (change the domain name):


If you'd prefer to do it yourself, here's a screenshot of the same search: enter image description here

  • Thanks Jon G. Once again SearchKit is the solution. Tremendous tool :-) Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 10:01

How about using Subscription History Report

  • thanks Pradeep. I hadn't heard of this extension. We'll give a try. Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 10:03

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