I am trying to move CiviCRM and Drupal to a new server. Everything looks to me like it should be right. I know that Drupal can connect to its database and is able to run simple drush commands. However if I try and run cv sql or cv flush I get a fatal error.
Class "ComposerAutoloaderInitDrupal8" not found
The error points to the file Drupal8.php line 414.
I am using the command line because I have multiple problems with the setup that are not allowing Apache to load the page and I am trying troubleshoot. Of course this is probably part of the problem.
I have the following:
PHP: 8.0.30 Drupal: 9.5.11 CiviCRM: 5.64.3 CIVICRM_ROOT_PATH: /var/aap/current/vendor
I am not sure what other relevant information I can provide.