The First Name must also show on page 1 (and page 3/4/5/6 etc). If I'd just have two pages I could show Existing Contact on page 1 (display name) and then show First Name on page 2 but I've got 3/4/5/6/7/8 pages
First Name is an input[readonly] field - just a handrail to remind the parents which child's info they are updating to e.g. get the allergies and the busing filled out correctly.
Only easy 'option' I can see thus far is to put First Name (of Student 1) in a Fieldset Student 1 (on page 1). Then add a Fieldset Student 1 (on page 2) - and move the custom fields from Student 1 that need to go to page 2 (healthcare / allergy fields in this case) into that. Same for page 3 (selecting busing options). Etc. But then the parents have to remember who Student 1 (2/3/4) is all the way through.
Any ideas on how one could re-show Existing Contact fields on a next page? I've been thinking about perhaps creating a Student Name field in each of the custom data sets for contact type Student - and then PHP populate that with = First Name (or Display name) - make them readonly etc - pull these into the Webform - and they'd always 'travel' to any page with the rest of the fields in their dataset. But that would look a bit odd on the Student's CiviCRM Contact summary page.