Big picture: I'm working on a module that will display view-only custom data on a specific contribution page.
Please understand, if you're not aware of this already, view-only custom data is not available to smarty templates automatically.
I have successfully put my custom-data in a variable and have displaying in a debug message on my specific contribution page.
Now I want to display it for the user. Some folks seem to be using the hook buildform for this. I've looked at he buildform reference, and can make a form field appear on my contribution page.
In my template, I've tried using {$variable_name}, but it seems that's not enough to display my variable.
I've also tried: $form->setVar( 'my_var', $variable_name); //in the module
{$my_var} // in the template
{$form.my_var} // in the template.
Still nothing. How do I pass a variable to a smarty template?
Can someone reply with some source code for the module and accompanying template help illustrate this for me?
Thanks much