We are offering CiviCRM to Indivisible working groups and we have a concern that the unauthenticated registrations are going to be a problem. We're pretty sure that the ability to create an account without responding to an opt-in email will get targeted by trolls, since this movement is focused on very contentious political issues.
Our platform is cPanel/WHM, Wordpress, and CiviCRM. We're pretty familiar with Wordpress and want it for the public dialog features it offers. We would not consider a switch to Drupal. We own the cloud provider we use, we're familiar with DNS, email, Linux, MySQL administration, PHP development, etc.
We have tried Wordpress registration that triggers a Civi Contact creation and this does work, but it's terribly clumsy. The only benefit is that this does require email opt-in.
We are told that the right way to do things would be something like this:
accept sign ups, collect some additional custom data, and include a radio button choice - such as male/female/other.
Use a cron job to sweep all males, females, and others into a group that requires email opt-in.
We've got a CiviTeacher subscription, we've gone through a bunch of the material, but it isn't at all clear how we'd automate this. Do we need some sort of cron job to sweep the new registrations into a group?