A few weeks ago, we did a mainly successful migration of a Drupal/CiviCRM site from one hosting provicer to another one. Now, we realized, that some Drupal Views do not work anymore!
Configuring a Drupal Views CiviCRM Integration is well described in this document: https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/integration/drupal/views/
And of course, we already put in the statements from civicrm/admin/setting/uf?reset=1
However, our new hosting provider puts the databases on different hosts (and is not able to move them to the same host)! However, the instruction in the above link says: "These instructions assume CiviCRM and Drupal are on separate databases located on the same physical host."
Any idea what I should put into the settings.php to get that to work?
(a workaround might be, migrating Drupal and CiviCRM into the same database - but that is something I would like to avoid...)