I have civicrm 4.7.31 on D7. From my old civicrm 4.1.1, I have exported the following fields in a csv file:

1) civicrm_contact (my external_identifier) in 4.7.31 2) geo_code_1 (latitude) 3) geo_code_2 (longitude)

Now, when I want to fill fields in the import contact wizard in 4.7.31, I find the latitude field, but there is no longitude field. I have tried unsuccessfully to update the geocodes using the mapping function and Google in the Mapping and Geocoding section of the system settings.

1 Answer 1


Make sure it is enabled under address settings. Go to Administer > Localization > Address Settings.

enter image description here

  • Andy, thanks. That did the trick. I would have searched for ways around that for hours - you saved me time. Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 18:01

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