Apparently when i'm trying to log with a contact, this one is duplicate :-/ Someone said that it could be because the wp email is different of civi email but in my case both are the same. If someone knows how to resolve it :)

Have a nice day

  • Sorry but could you clarify your problem. How to you come to this conclusion?
    – nielo
    Commented May 20, 2018 at 17:26

1 Answer 1


You can dedupe contacts in two ways in CiviCRM.

The first one to do a search and find both contacts and then check the checkbox in front of both contacts and select the Merge Contacts from the action list (screenshot is in Dutch).

Merge from search

The other way is from the dedupe functionality under the Contacts --> Dedupe menu.

You have to select a rule and it will try to find matching contacts which you could then merge.


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