The log says the scheduled job ran and worked, but I checked some contacts and see nothing happened. I had it set to run daily. It geocodes just fine on import and upon saving a record.
So, I have some questions.
- How long does it run each time it is triggered? (max exec time?)
- Can I throttle the amount of contacts it attempts to code for each run? I want to avoid it running non-stop and killing the server by overloading it.
- I don't like to have more than one street address field (disabling supplemental 1,2,3) as users do not consistently input the their data right if you give them too many options. However, is it okay to include APT numbers etc in the main street address field and it still geocode reliably? I've done a few tests on records but not with a large sample.
I don't see in the docs clear answers:
Perhaps we can update the docs more on this?