Please could anybody direct me on how to setup civiCRM on my windows OS and also code with it. I am totally new to this type of platform and with no clue on how to go about anything, however, I have a strong knowledge of PHP and php based frameworks like laravel and lumen. I believe if directed on what to do I should be able to standard on my own. I have tried google but nothing significant.


1 Answer 1


You would need a Windows web development environment like WampServer and need to create a site on localhost. There you could install wordpress/Drupal/Joomla any of those for which civicrm is available to be installed and then follow steps to install civicrm following docs here: https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/


  • Thank you @Hassan, however, I already have a XAMPP server, I believe this would suffice. The next step would be to install drupal of which I dont know how. I am totally new to CMS although I have being coding PHP for sometime. If I succeed in installing drupal then what next. I need some kind of guide. Thanks in advance Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 20:28
  • Use Drupal instructions for that inatall.
    – Joe Murray
    Commented Oct 18, 2018 at 1:06

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