I’m hoping to use CiviCRM to manage campaign contacts for voters across many counties and need to upload BOE data to do it. It’s about 210 MB in total, but I have it broken up into CSVs under 30 MB each. Unfortunately, I keep running into a 503 error when I try to use the import wizard with my smallest file (around 3 MB).
I’m using CiviCRM 5.17.4 on Joomla 3.9.12. I’ve increased Joomla’s session timeout and added a bit of code to civicrm_settings.php, following a tip on this guide: https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Importing+Data
I know uploads of this size are a tall order; is there anything that I’m missing or anything else that can be done? There are about a million registered voters here and I don’t think uploading them 4,000 at a time is feasible.
EDIT: If this goes unanswered and someone else runs into the same problem, you can whip up a BAT file to cut up CSVs for you.