My organisation does not like the forms generated by civicrm for on-line contribution and membership. Is it possible and practical to change their format?
Thank you
My organisation does not like the forms generated by civicrm for on-line contribution and membership. Is it possible and practical to change their format?
Thank you
If you are using Drupal CMS then you can use Webform + Webform CiviCRM to build
On Wordpress you can use Caldera + Caldera CiviCRM plugin
It depends what you don't like about them, but adding a little custom css may help.
Looking to the future of CiviCRM, you can create native forms in CiviCRM using FormBuilder. Currently this is a work in progress. It works for some simple use cases but has limitations - most importantly no ability to take payments yet. This is in active development so keep an eye on it (or you could help to sponsor it to speed up development).
In the meantime there are some more technical options that are worth considering:
The first gives you complete control to create a form in JavaScript that can be hosted on your CiviCRM site or an external site. The second provides a framework to process the responses from external forms.