Based on this year 2008 thread and a few earlier threads on civi.stackexchange regarding the matter. Now (CiviCRM 5.56.2), when "Monetary Amount Display" on civicrm/admin/setting/localization?reset=1 is deprecated and gone, how do we, say, remove decimals from currency display, apart from altering CRM_Utils_Money?


1 Answer 1


While not a supported option, theoretically you can replace \Civi::$statics[$cacheKey]; from https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/blob/b0fff1c64cf3dd2e40b248b3b067ca30de09aeee/Civi/Core/Format.php#L220, probably in hook_civicrm_config in an extension, with a modified $formatter object that does what you want.

e.g. in hook_civicrm_config

$cacheKey = <figure out cachekey>
$formatter = \Civi::$statics[$cacheKey];
// make some changes to $formatter here
\Civi::$statics[$cacheKey] = $formatter;

But it would be nicer if there was a supported way to change the parameters that the formatter object uses.

  • Wouldn't it be easier to have a copy of Money.php in custom php directory and alter getCurrencyPrecision() ?
    – yurg
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 21:21
  • It makes upgrades harder if you need to sync changes every time, but yes that should work too.
    – Demerit
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 21:39
  • Indeed; I was thinking about a tiny extension which would extend the CRM_Utils_Money class, just not sure which hook to use.
    – yurg
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 22:58
  • 1
    If we assume the target audience for customizing is developers, then I think the solution to that would be to change this line in core so that it acts like a service, similar to the logger, so that you could replace it like the way monolog does.
    – Demerit
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 23:33
  • That would replace the entire Format class not just the money formatter, but it's the same idea, you'd extend it, and just override the part you need.
    – Demerit
    Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 23:34

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