I'm having trouble moving a Wordpress/CiviCRM install to a subdomain: from domain-name.com to sub.domain-name.com. What follows is the procedure I'm using (culled from forum articles Wordpress, and CiviCRM docs)--please advise where I'm going wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. there are many permutations of the following steps and I've tried many of them. I do know that using PHPMyAdmin to export/import is not advised because Foreign Keys data is lost.
I dumped the original CiviCRM 4.6.9 database using SSH:
mysqldump --no-create-db=true -h db111111111.db.1and1.com -udbo111111111 -pPassword db111111111 > exportedDatabases/db111111111.sql
I also dumped the original CiviCRM 4.6.9 without the domain and cache tables:
mysqldump -h db111111111.db.1and1.com -udbo111111111 -pPassword --no-create-db=true --ignore-table=db111111111.civicrm_domain --ignore-table=db111111111.civicrm_acl_cache --ignore-table=db111111111.civicrm_acl_contact_cache --ignore-table=db111111111.civicrm_cache --ignore-table=db111111111.civicrm_group_contact_cache db111111111 > exportedDatabases/db111111111-nocache.sql
I created a fresh WP site at sub.domain-name.com using same username and password as original.
I used PHPMyAdmin to create a fresh database db999999999 with the same password as db111111111.
I created a fresh install of CiviCRM 4.6.9 closely following CiviCRM install procedure for Wordpress and using db999999999:
The new CiviCRM 4.6.9 functions.
I uninstalled the native modules to match the original install.
I deactivated the new CiviCRM 4.6.9 plugin.
I dumped the new CiviCRM 4.6.9 db999999999 using SSH:
mysqldump --no-create-db=true -h db999999999.db.1and1.com -udbo999999999 -pPassword db999999999 > exportedDatabases/db999999999.sql
I also dumped the new CiviCRM 4.6.9 domain and cache tables:
mysqldump --no-create-db=true -h db999999999.db.1and1.com -udbo999999999 -pPassword db999999999 civicrm_domain civicrm_acl_cache civicrm_acl_contact_cache civicrm_cache civicrm_group_contact_cache > exportedDatabases/db999999999-5TABLES.sql
I used PHPMyAdmin to DROP all tables in db999999999.
I re-imported db999999999-5TABLES.sql into db999999999 using:
mysql -h db999999999.db.1and1.com -udbo999999999 -pPassword db999999999 < exportedDatabases/db999999999-5TABLES.sql
I used a text editor to modify all instances of '111111111' to '999999999' in db111111111-nocache.sql
I imported db111111111-nocache.sql into db999999999 using:
mysql -h db999999999.db.1and1.com -udbo999999999 -pPassword db999999999 < exportedDatabases/db111111111-nocache.sql
I deleted all files/folders in .../templates_c/*
There were no error messages until I (re)activated the CiviCRM 4.6.9 plugin when I get the cryptic error:
"DB Error: no such field"
Running the following did not change anything:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.