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2 answers

How display event for anonymous user with Rendered Entity

In drupal a have added a field event to display a event in a web page. When I'm connected I see my Event field. The problem is when a anymous see my page he don't view my rendered entity. If I ...
PhilippeS's user avatar
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Adding Referenced civicrm_entity contact in node with email, address and phone doesnt work

i still building a drupal site with civicrm and civicrm_entity support and get stucked by adding form fields for adding synced contacts. a single contact is possible, but i need an email, phone and ...
Joachim's user avatar
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500 server error when creating entity reference field where entity is CiviCRM Contact

I'm creating a new content type and want the fields to largely be CiviCRM Contact fields. As I was adding a new Entity Reference field, I saved the field, selected the Target Type as CiviCRM Contact, ...
Lewis's user avatar
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How to sync CiviCRM contacts with a Drupal content type

I am looking to sync CiviCRM Contacts with a content type in Drupal. Basically, I need to relate the contact information, via a 'person' content type, to other entities in Drupal(content types, ...
Roland Snowe's user avatar
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Sort issue with CiviCRM Entity Reference on a Drupal node

I'd like to link a Drupal node (e.g. content type = 'event' with some custom fields in Drupal) to a CiviCRM event via an entity reference field. The use case is that there are some events that don't ...
Laryn's user avatar
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Pull data from Drupal entity reference field into CiviCRM?

I'm using Entity References and CiviCRM Entity to create some limited silent auction functionality. In CiviCRM, I have an "In-Kind" contribution type with some custom fields for each donation of an ...
Kelley Curry's user avatar