I need to rebuild some groups where all the members were removed by the link between CiviCRM and Mailchimp. I have found the ability to list all members of a group who have ever been removed from that group, but I also need to be able to filter this by the date they were removed. Is there any way to search for members of a group who were removed on a specific date?

3 Answers 3


I'm not sure if this functionality exists from the UI or API. I think it's not.

A quick recall says that this info is being stored in civicrm_subscription_history table where contact_id, group_id, status(Added or Removed) and date(the one when the action was triggered) can be viewed.


I have an extension that provides a custom report Subscription History that does this.


For info, the GDPR extension (first released March 2018) includes a "Search Group Subscription by Date Range" custom search i.e. you can select a group, a group status and importantly a date criteria.

If the rest of the GDPR extension functionality isn't needed, and you're keen and able, the relevant sections of code could be used as a basis to make your own custom search extension.

Or adding to jitendra's answer, output the contact IDs with something like this database query:

SELECT * FROM civicrm_subscription_history WHERE group_id = ? AND status = "Removed" AND date > "????-??-?? ??:??:??";

As required, these could then be output as CSV e.g. using phpMyAdmin and then added to a group(s) via Import Contacts.

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