I would like to add a settings form to a new extension to hold some extension-specific settings.
I've put together the extension and form using civix, and am testing in civiCRM 4.7.17 on local MAMP.
After reading the docs here and here, i've tried to copy the setup for settings in this repo (metadata form example from docs), and also looking at this repo.
I've looked at this question, but the issue i'm having is getting the settings array returned from settings/'myextension'.settings.php to actually populate anywhere in the first place.
For example when installing/enabling the extension, hook_alterSettingsFolders fires with the same code as in the above repos, but if I try to find my settings with the apiv3 call like this form (the one I used as well) does, the settings group has not been added, and so my form only populates with submit buttons and a var_dump of $_settings is empty.
I'm not seeing anything obvious in the civicrm or php logs.
Is there some key step i'm missing to get civicrm to recognize these settings?