I'm making a first foray into customizing the mailing compose screen.
I want to add a third option to the options in BlockSchedule.html (schedule.mode = regular) which will open up a few more options to allow you to send mailings on a regular basis.
The template code I want to add is along the lines of
<input ng-model="schedule.mode" type="radio" name="send" value="recur" id="schedule-send-recur"/>
<label for="schedule-send-recur">{{ts('Send on a regular basis')}}</label>
Selecting this will open up a new directive with options for sending on a regular basis. It will also swap the submit mailing button for a schedule mailings button and possibly do other stuff.
But right now, I am stuck on a good way to add this option.
This answer (adapted below) makes me think that something along the lines of the following would work, but what do I do with the directive at this point?!
// intercept crmMailingBlockMailing directive, note the 'Directive' suffix
$provide.decorator('crmMailingBlockScheduleDirective', function($delegate){
var directive = $delegate[0];