Geocoding is not working for my addresses, I tried everything I could find on the web.

We are using the CiviCRM version 4.7 with Wordpress 4.9.4. We are adding contacts mainly using the REST API.

I have Google geocoding setup with an valid and tested API Key.

My current address format is the default one, but my parsing is disabled.

{contact.city}{, }{contact.state_province}{ }{contact.postal_code}

When I run the scheduled job, it just says that it processed hundreds of contacts, but none of them was geocoded, displaying no errors at all.

Job params:


I have also tried with throttling.

Job Log:

Finished execution of Geocode and Parse Addresses with result: Sucesso (Endereços Avaliados: 483 Endereços Geodificados: 0 )
Parameters raw (from db settings): 

Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): 

Full message: 
Finished execution of Geocode and Parse Addresses with result: Sucesso 
(Endereços Avaliados: 483
Endereços Geodificados: 0)

Also, when I add a new contact.. even if it has a valid address, it also doesn't work.

Can someone help me? I am really confused.

OBS: I have tried the OSM extension, but only 7 of 500 addresses were geocoded.

  • If you add or save a single address, does geocoding work? The scheduled job "batch" geocoding is more complex than single address geocoding, so it might be helpful to try the single address first. Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 21:47
  • @JonG-MegaphoneTech Greetings Jon! It doesn't geocode single addresses also.
    – Jean Luc
    Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 22:02

1 Answer 1


I have fixed the issue!

It seems that Google API does not support restricting DNS in server geocoding mode, I have created a new API key with IP restriction.

Beware people, it can cause you headaches.

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