Wordpress and civicrm 5.4
I've created a profile to allow our members to update some of their contact info.
It displays nicely in edit mode and if a member updates a field all is good and I get a nice success message.
If the user chooses not to update and presses the cancel button the page (I think) attempts to display the form in listings mode and I get an error message;
No fields in this Profile have been configured as searchable. Ask the site administrator to check the Profile setup.
The same error message is displayed if a field is changed and the "Back to Listing" button which appears at the bottom of the confirmation page is used.
a few questions:
1. What exactly is 'listing mode'? Do i understand correctly that is a publicly available / searchable page?
2. I'm guessing to avoid above error I need to configure at least some fields as searchable in the Profile set up? But I have tried making some fields searchable and the error perists. Have I misunderstood?
3. If I do succeed in making feilds searchable and thus presumably removing the error - who are the fields visible to exactly?